Donation method

The Foundation accepts donations in currency (cash, marketable securities), in kind (building materials, books, equipment, real estate, heritage, property), and intangible assets (software, patents, etc.)。

You can donate through wechat Pay, bank transfer and other means。

(1) wechat donation Follow the official wechat of "Anhui Vocational and Technical College Education Development Foundation", click "Help safety" in the bottom menu, and then click "I want to donate" to complete the donation。Wechat ID: AZY_Foundation

(2) QR code donation

(3) Please indicate your name, admission date, school (department) and the purpose of the donation when making bank transfer donation。

RMB Account:

Account name: Anhui Vocational and Technical College Education Development Foundation

账 号:179775983538

Opening bank: Bank of China Feidong branch account

Bank code: 104361003519